Spinifex Press
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Main : international relations, non-fiction, race, US politics

ISBN: 9781876756635
215 x 138 mm
142 pp
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Sexual Decoys
Zillah Eisenstein

In this book, Zillah Eisenstein continues her unforgiving critique of United States from the point of view of a US citizen. She charts its most recent forays into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the violations at Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib. She argues that these share much with the domestic problems of the 2004 US Presidential election, and Hurricane Katrina. She warns that women’s rights rhetoric is being manipulated, particularly by Condoleeza Rice and other women in the Bush administration, and that this distorts the way women in political life are used by the system and that the threaten genuine democratic rule. Eisenstein argues for women to counter fascistic elements she identifies in the Bush government policies. She envisages a politics that heightens democracy around the globe and that feminism must be at the centre of the changes.

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'Sexual Decoys is the most sane and sensible work of scholarship I have yet read.  ...  Eisenstein paints a picture of a dystopian world, which is all the more unsettling because it is the reality we live in.  This is a work which strips naked the theatrical excesses of cultural propaganda. Sexual Decoys is both fascinating and terrifying at the same time.  It is a book you may need to recover from after reading, but it is the most necessary and honest analysis of current culture and economics I have read in a long time.'

Evelyn Hartogh, m/c reviews

'...raises provocative questions...Smart and witty, sobering yet uplifting, this book is essential reading for all of us committed to social justice.'

Ms Magazine

'Zillah Eisenstein has won deserved praise for her trenchant indictments of gender and political issues. Her latest book tackles both of these topics head-on.'

The New Statesman
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