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Susan Hawthorne

In a globalised world, megacorp publishing is all about numbers, about sameness, about following a formula based on the latest megasuccess. Each book is expected to pay for itself and all the externalities of publishing such as offices and CEO salaries. It means that books which take off slowly but have long lives, the books that change social norms, are less likely to be...

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Town of Love
Anne Ch. Ostby
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They call them ‘women of love,’ but the lyrical beauty of the term has a hidden dark side: a workforce of very young girls tasked with feeding their families by offering up their bodies for sale. The girls belong to the Nat which includes some of India’s very poorest. For centuries, the Nat men have sent their daughters, sisters, and wives into sex trafficking. Baby girls are...

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My Sister Chaos
Lara Fergus

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You will not elude me. I will measure your every dimension, I will trace your smallest lines. I will undo you from the inside. You will feel it like waves running across your floorboards, you will feel it like water rising through your walls, you will feel it like a sudden disorientation, you will wonder what happened to your foundations.

An obsessive-compulsive cartographer...

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Will To Violence, The
Susanne Kappeler

Sexual violence, racial violence, and the hatred of foreigners: how should we understand these and other forms of violent human behaviour? A brilliantly original analysis of violence in its many forms. Susanne Kappeler argues that violence is not just a social phenomenon which can be analysed scientifically: rather, it is a type of action which individuals ‘will’ or choose to perform. Kappeler...

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All That False Instruction
Kerryn Higgs


A Spinifex feminist classic, and winner of the Angus and Robertson manuscript prize.

Growing up in a rural working-class home, Maureen Craig rebels against her angry mother, the privileges of her favoured brother and the relentless conformity of 1950s Australia. University promises a new world both terrifying and exhilarating in its challenges. She explores her...

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The Aerial Letter

The Aerial Letter

Nicole Brossard

What characterizes women as a group is our colonized status. To be colonized is not to think for oneself...in short, not...



Carol Lefevre

For the first time since he’d left the island he thought of the starlings massed at dusk in the winter trees behind the...

Symphony for the Man

Symphony for the Man

Sarah Brill

1999. Winter. Bondi. Harry’s been on the streets so long he could easily forget what time is. So Harry keeps an eye on...

In Defence of Separatism

In Defence of Separatism

Susan Hawthorne

In Defence of Separatism is a timely book. When it was first written in 1976, although it was an important subject of...

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